Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer
Specialist in solving singing problems
for a wide range of musical styles
Singing Lessons: Reading About It's
Not The Same
Why is reading or hearing about it not the same as
having a one-to-one voice lesson?
These days there are lots of DVDs or online courses promising to turn
you into a great singer, in record time (for example, by last Thursday,
just in time for a weekend engagement).
And there are websites, such as this one, where you can read pages and
pages of information about singing technique and vocal health.
The essential problem is that you really need someone to observe you
while you sing, or speak. You need a teacher listening to your voice
and watching how you use your body. You need them asking all the right
questions to
figure out what you're trying to do, and what you think you're doing,
which may not be not at all what you are really doing. It doesn't
how detailed the written instructions are, an experienced ear and eye
is required to monitor you.
Then there is the major problem of terminology. If you read about voice
placement, will you know what they're talking about? Or vocal
colours and resonance? Even if there was an audio or video recording on
this site to illustrate these teaching points, recordings are nothing
like live sounds. Anything coming out of a speaker can be quite
misleading in several ways.
Much of the language that is used in a singing or speech lesson is hard
to understand correctly outside the context of the studio. In music
generally, many terms are borrowed from other fields, especially the
visual arts, and the meanings of these terms when used in music are not
easily defined. For example, we talk a lot about tone colour, texture,
and brightness. But what do they sound like? How do you assess or
categorize them? And what do they feel
like to the person who is singing?
Two strategies help me deal with this problem in my own teaching.
Firstly, I try to stick to the facts as much as possible. I'll never
tell you to "breathe into your stomach," for example, because I'm not
trying to make you burp. If you're at the stage to be developing more
of a ringing quality, I'll explain to you the singer's formant,
is an intense and high-pitched component of the sound. Then I'll
demonstrate how it sounds, and guide you in the muscular manoeuvres
required to produce it.
Don't get me wrong, use of imagery is still important. It can really
help people to access the fine control of certain muscles. For example,
when teaching retraction of the ventricular (false) folds I'll ask
students to 'make the throat smile.' Your throat can't smile, but this
imagery can help you can get the idea of using a certain kind of
appropriate and very important muscular effort at the level of the
The second strategy is to help each student develop an understanding of
the meaning of each term. For example, in speech exercises many
students are not accustomed to listening for pitch as a separate
quality, they get it mixed-up with tone colour. After some discussion
and trial and error, possibly over several lessons, the student learns
to make the distinction between the two.
Students may have heard all sorts of things, wild and wonderful, from
other sources and may not understand common terms the same way as
myself. So,
coming to a understanding of what we're talking about is important,
which you can't do via a pre-recorded video.
A teacher will need to ask
what your aims are, and what your vocal history is, in order to guide
you. A video can't do that either.
I've just explained why you really need personal lessons. However,
there is a video series I recommend to all my students by Per Bristow
called The Bristow Voice Method or The Singing Zone. He is not only a
master voice teacher, he's a master communicator and has an amazing
ability to explain and demonstrate via video.
It makes an excellent
home study course that you can use alongside having individual lessons.
Just make sure your teacher has a compatible approach to Bristow. The
course includes ear-training and music theory (rhythm school and
sight-reading). Read my review of it here.
PeopleString. Try PeopleString.
Please make
on how to improve
this site.

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