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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer
Specialist in solving singing problems
for a wide range of musical styles
Margaret In the Media & Groups
Radio, Cinema, Television, Newspapers, Public Speaking, Groups
For Media enquries click here.
Date format: 20150926 means year 2015, September
20041004 96fm radio: The Naked Truth. Perth,
9pm, ca. 55 minutes. A live-to-air programme on
sexuality, love and relationships, with
phone-in calls. Margaret was a guest of co-hosts 'Macca' and Dr
Gabrielle Morrissey, coordinator of sexology programmes at Curtin
University of Technology (see www.sexology.health.curtin.edu.au and
20040720 ABC Radio 6WF 720 AM. Live-to-air breakfast radio
programme, Mx Margaret interviewed by Eoin Cameron. 9 minute interview
to publicise Margaret's television appearance that night on the George
Negus Tonight show (see below). Read the transcription
of the Cameron inteview.
20040416 Radio Adelaide: The Wire. MDJ
as a
representative of TransWest: the Transgender Association of Western
Australia Inc., was interviewed over the phone by Amelia McFarlane about the Family Court of Australia
decision by Justice Nicholson, concerning Alex, a young trans person.
Broadcast in many Australian
states. jones-m-d-the-wire-radio-adelaide-20040416-low.mp3 (low quality 916 kb
file) or jones-m-d-the-wire-radio-adelaide-20040416-high.mp3 (high quality 7000 kb
file). (Files used with
permission of the station Radio Adelaide, an Educational
community radio station owned and operated by the University of
20031000 ABC Radio 6WF 720 AM. Broadcast ca.
October 2003,
Perth. A pre-recorded
radio interview of Carol Peers and Mx Margaret Jones by Monty Sangar
(20 min edited down to 5 - 6 min). Monty asked us about Carol's "Myth
Conceptions," the first professionally-run workshop for transgenders
and transsexuals ever conducted in Western Australia. The workshop was
presented by TransWest in conjunction with FTM Australia in September
20020905 ABC Radio National: Life Matters. Unseen
Genders--Is there only male or female? Julie McCrossin
interviewed Margaret Jones and Tarquam McKenna live on air. Margaret
said "I'm an
androgyne, I'm not a man or a woman, except when I am."
Summary: We live in a world of boy, girl, man, woman. It is quite
simply one or the other, but what if you are physically or
pschologically both? Is it time for us to look at our binary language
to be more inclusive?
Guests on this program: Tarquam McKenna, Co-Director of The
International Foundation for Androgynous Studies (IFAS), and Margaret
Dylan Jones, Androgyne.
These old links are down, I'm trying to get new ones:
www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/lm/stories/s667155.htm (intro) and
www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/lm/audio/lifemats_05092002.ram (audio).

Margaret in September 2002 on Radio
National's Life Matters
90 minute independent documentary by Tempest Productions, first
publically screened in three locations for the Revelation Perth
International Film Festival (2015). Features extensive interviews with
Amphitheatre: Sets, Bugs & Rock n Roll
20150612 Echo News: Sets, bugs, rock ‘n’ roll doco screens. See
MDJ's comments at the very bottom of that page.
20141203 Echo News:
Sets, bugs and rock
‘n’ roll. Whole front page with several photos of
the amphitheatre.
20040720 George Negus Tonight (GNT), ABC
Television. Tuesday 20
July 2004, 6.30 - 7pm, broadcast nationally. A seven-minute
pre-recorded profile with interviews of Mx
Margaret discussing life as an androgyne. Featured her playing a piano
solo she
composed at the age of 16. (Music published by Hovea Music Press.) To
listen to the music for free, watch a video of Margaret playing it or
buy the sheet music see Androgyne Prophecy. On the ABC's
website you can read a transcription of Margaret's part of the
television show.
This is possibly the first time Margaret used the
title of Mx or Mix in the media. She was an early adopter in 2002 of
the honorific or personal title Mx or Mix (an abbreviation of mixture,
pronounced 'mix'). Mx is a non-binary transgender title and was added to the Oxford Dictionary online
version in 2015. See her blog for more
about Mx.
20151003 Echo News (Midland) page eight story with photograph:
Margaret’s Mx gender in the dictionary. It
reads "HILLS musician Margaret Jones is welcoming Oxford Dictionary’s
inclusion of the gender neutral prefix Mx, which has seen the term used
by people of mixed gender propelled from the underground into the
mainstream lexicon.
Mx Jones has used the title Mix, short for mixture, since 2002... (By
Sarah Brookes, 419 words.)
20150919 Echo News (Midland) page two
story: Roger Smalley 1943 – 2015. Extensive quotes
from MDJ about Roger, who was her composition mentor
at UWA. See Margaret's comments on the Echo website at the bottom
of that page, and more about Roger on Margaret's blog.
20141203 Echo News (Midland) Sets, bugs and rock ‘n’ roll
The story took the whole of the front page with
quotes from MDJ and
several photos about the documentary on the Parkerville Amphitheatre
(see CINEMA & TELEVISION above).
20091017 Pilbara Echo newspaper (Karratha)
Busker delights. Story about MDJ
busking in the town of Wickham while her taxi car was off the road,
with a
Post Newspapers (eg Subiaco Post, Claremont Post). Many articles
photos since 1989, concerning choirs or Trans* issues.
The latest Post story, 31 July 2004, is headlined "Locals in tune
my gender" and concerns being an androgyne, Margaret's music
and TransWest. On the front page it features a wonderful colour
photograph of Margaret in front of her burr-walnut 1903 Thurmer piano,
with candles, accompanied by a great article which spills over to page
See SubiPOST20040731FrontPhotoA 72.jpg and
SubiPOST20040731FrontPhotoB 1 72.jpg
These old links no longer work:
Community Newspapers group, September 2003 (three of
their papers,
being the Guardian Express, Western Suburbs Weekly & Eastern
Suburbs Reporter): photographs of, and articles about Carol Peers and
Mx Margaret publicising the first professionally-run workshop for TG
& TS persons in WA, called "Myth Conceptions," run by Carol on
behalf of TransWest.
Australian National Choral Association (ANCA) Journal, 2002.
about Margaret as an androgyne and the second choir she founded, called
Girls, Guys & Others: the GGO
Fremantle Herald. Interviewed for an article about TG
issues, June 2001.
Letters to the Editor
The West Australian, Wednesday, August 4, 2004:
"The State Government must not allow the
destruction of any part of the
tall tuart forest. The plan to sand mine a significant section of this
unique, precious and now very small ecosystem for the sake of keeping a
processing plant going for just three years is madness.
My late father, John Joseph Jones, wrote:
Tuart Forest, Ludlow.
Grey is the bark of the tuart trees,
Grey is the soil where they stand,
Grey is the day if we mine them away
For their joy will be lost to the land.
Margaret Dylan Jones, Nedlands."
[See MDJ's musical setting of this poem in where
eucalypts green-tip the
Poetry readings
The Weight of the Baby (by Andrew Lansdown)
Read to a gathering at a reception at
Government House, Perth, for the
launch of the Children's Week poster, under the auspicies of Meerilinga
Young Children's Foundation, 05 August 1998.
Tuart Forest, Ludlow (John Joseph Jones) and Forest
Giant (Jack Davis)
Read on the steps of Parliament House, Perth,
to a protest rally to
defend the tall tuart forest in Ludlow against sand mining, 28 July
Involvement in Advocacy Groups
TransWest: the Transgender Association of Western Australia
Joined ca. 1998 when the group was called The Gender Dysphoria
Foundation of Western Australia (Inc.) (GDFWA). Margaret was Community
Development Officer for several years, and then Convenor July 2003
to August 2004. www.geocities.com/transwest_wa/ and
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/transwest www.facebook.com/groups/TW.TAWA (Private Facebook group with 471 members in February 2021)
Equal Opportunity Commission of WA, Gender Identity Working
(voluntary position, one of several community representatives). After
six months of regular meetings at the commission in 2001 we produced a
report for the WA Attorney-General recommending changes to the WA EO
Act. He never did anything with it.
B-Legits, a committee of the State School Teachers'
Union of WA
(SSTUWA). Active member in 2002.
Gay and Lesbian Equality WA (GALE). Ordinary member.
The International Foundation for Androgynous Studies (IFAS).
joined the executive committee in mid-2000 and became Treasurer two
years later. She stepped down from the committee in June 2003. IFAS has
since disbanded. See the IFAS definitions of androgyne
and intersex from 2002.
The Wilderness Society (WA branch) (TWS). Margaret
joined around 1994
and was an active committee member for a couple of years. Her work was
principally concerned with saving old growth forests in the south-west
of WA. See her choral composition where
eucalypts green-tip the
Involvement in Professional
Fellowship of Australian Composers (FAC), member
Australian Music Centre (AMC, Sydney): recognised as an Associate
Music Arrangers' Guild of Australia (MAGA) (WA & NSW Branches).
Registered initially as an arranger and hand-copyist, and later also as
a computer copyist.
Musicians' Union of Australia (MUA)
Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS, formerly
ANZATS). At one point was the Secretary of the Perth branch.
Australian National Choral Association (ANCA, formerly Australian
Choral Conductors' Association, ACCA). One of the first three WA members.
State School Teachers' Union of WA (SSTUWA). Member in 1995 while
employed as Teacher-in-Charge, Music, at Swanbourne Senior High School
(a school which no longer exists).
Click on the links to learn
Mobile phone: 0414 374 701
(Outside Australia: +61 414374701)
Email: see my contact page

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