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How to refer to Margaret
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Mix Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist, teacher, article writer, lyricist
For Media
Guidelines and info for news radio, print media etc
about Margaret D. Jones
As at 5th July 2024
Margaret Jones
Middle name: Dylan
Title: Mx (pronounced 'mix')
Pronouns: she, or they (and derivatives)
Born July 1961 in Perth, Western Australia.
I don't have an agent.
For your media event or article I can supply a bullet-form list of many possible topics for you to consider. Just let me know and I'll get something typed up.
When I am interviewed for print media I always request that a draft is sent to me for checking on factual errors. Experience has shown how easily huge and very misleading errors of fact have crept into newspaper articles featuring me. The same with documentaries.
Pianist, composer, lyricist, song writer, singer. Music teacher. Non-binary transgender advocate. Androgyne.
Studied composition with Roger Smalley at the University of Western Australia for five years, beginning in 1979.
I've been using Mx, a non-binary title, since 2002 in Perth and seem to be the earliest known user of Mx still using it anywhere on the planet, though I certainly was not the first user.
Mx is best described as a 'non-binary title,' rather than as gender neutral because the latter can easily be misunderstood. Mx is used to proudly proclaim one's gender identity as some sort of non-binary, broadly defined. It is not effective in concealing anyone's gender. See links below, incl. the Biden White House's use of Mx right from their Inauguration Day.
In the USA this title, like other titles such as Mr. and Ms. etc, has a full-stop, so that would make me 'Mx. Margaret Jones.' However, in other countries most titles do not have a full stop. So in Australia, UK etc I'm 'Mx Margaret Jones,' or 'Mix Margaret D. Jones,' etc.
Mx and Ms, Mr etc are honorific titles, not courtesy titles.
There are a couple of choices. "Jones' music," or "Jones's music," both pronounced the same. A good link on this:
My pronoun is the singular they, although I am also happy to be referred to as 'she.'
She or they are my pronouns. These are NOT preferred pronouns, that would be an offensive way to refer to them.
The singular they goes back many centuries and predates the singular you, although the modern usage for an individual with some sort of non-binary gender identification is probably new.
Grammatically, you should use 'they' as if it were plural, as usual. So, "Mix Margaret's music is very engaging. For many years they have been composing piano solos and music for solo singers or choir and they are keen for their music to be enjoyed by more people." This is how practically everyone in society has always spoken, but they are now getting used to also reading it.
I'm also happy to be referred to with 'she,' or both 'she' and 'they.' Using a masculine pronoun is offensive to me.
'She' and 'They' of course includes her, hers, herself, and their, theirs, and themself.
I was assumed male at birth, also known as assigned male at birth (AMAB). But how wrong can you be!
I'm an androgyne (rhymes with shipping line). That's a type of non-binary gender identity for someone who is a mixture of male and female, or is genderless. Don't let your spell check change it or you could be writing about a chemical or molecule which has nothing to do with this subject.
Also, I'm NOT androgynous. Androgyne is a noun.
There should be a law against using someone's deadname (what's on their original birth certificate). Maybe there is, somewhere. Don't mention it, not even once.
Mother: Derrice Erskine Jones, nee Field (b. 1933 in Albany, WA, living in a nursing home in Perth). UK heritage.
On my mother's side I'm fifth generation West Australian and have thousands of living relatives in the South-West.
Father: John Joseph Jones (b. 1930 in London, d. 2000 in Perth), prolific writer. UK heritage. Owner, builder and manager of the Parkerville Amphitheatre, inside of which I grew up. See link below to a documentary on this (I'm a talking head). My father was always well ahead of his time on social issues esp. in regard to race relations, sexuality, poverty, gender equality and gender expression.
Our family consisted of Mum, Dad, 2.5 boys and 1.5 girls. I was the third-born and came out as an androgyne in adulthood.
Biden White House's use of Mx (my blog)
My main article on Mx (the most comprehensive anywhere)
John Joseph Jones
About Parkerville Amphitheatre
Doco on Parkerville Amphiteathre, free on Vimeo
IFAS definition of androgyne
Roger Smalley, my Uni composition mentor
Previous media exposure
Facebook brand page
Home page
About my compositions
Mobile phone: 0414 374 701.
(Outside Australia: +61 414374701).
Email: mx followed by my first name and surname (no spaces etc), then
Email: see my contact page.

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