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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer, lyricist
About TMJ Health and Moshe Feldenkrais' method
About F.M. Alexander's technique
I've made this page as a resource for
my singing students.
FELDENKRAIS: A system designed
to promote bodily and
mental efficiency and well-being by conscious analysis of neuromuscular
activity via exercises which improve flexibility and coordination and
increase ease and range of motion.
www.donnaray.com/nunc-tincidunt-elit-non-cursus :
The Method is named for its founder, the late
Russian-born physicist, engineer, judo teacher, and inventor, Moshe
Feldenkrais, Ph.D. Feldenkrais wrote five books describing his
revolutionary neurosomatic training methods...
For singers it's great when applied to improving the functioning of the
jaw, tongue and lips.
Mark Reese Audios: TMJ Health
- Sensory Motor Exercises For Mouth
& Jaw Health
This mp3 audio series featuring the voice of Chuck
Moshantz, called TMJ
Health and based on Feldenkrais, is an excellent remedy for a tense
jaw, tongue, mouth or
throat. TMJ means temporomandibular joint, which is the jaw joint on
each side of the head.
By following the instructions on the recording, perhaps a few times a
week for a few weeks, you will experience a major improvement in your
jaw joint and a major reduction in unnecessary tension. This can make
dramatic improvements in your singing and speaking voice.
You can purchase the full set of TMJ Health at www.feldenkraisresources.com/TMJ-Health-Audio... The
authors are given as Mark Reese and David Zemach Bersin. The
current price is $70 to $75 US dollars (I
don't get a commission from this). Available as CD or mp3 download.
In Sept 2015 I saw the original cassette tape set on eBay priced about
$400 USD ($560 AUD). (Just wish my old set was in mint condition!)
I've included the link above because
the last decade or two it's been very difficult to find this item
simply by Googling it.
This set of recordings applies Feldenkrais' method to the TMJ, but the
method can be applied to all parts of the body under the
instruction of a trained practitioner, either one-to-one or in
Australian Felednkrais Guild Inc.
Secretary Jenny Price 0448 446 253 or 1800 001 550
Email: wa.div@feldenkrais.org.au
Videos: www.feldenkrais.org.au
See wa_atm_fi_practitioner_list_april_2015.pdf, from www.feldenkrais.org.au/sites/...wa_atm_fi_practitioner_list_april_2015.pdf
(North America)
Feldenkrais, Moshe Feldenkrais – The Feldenkrais Institute, New
York: http://www.feldenkraisinstitute.com/about_feldenkrais/overview/?lid=nav_aboutfeld
International Feldenkrais Federation
(IFF): http://feldenkrais-method.org/archive/feldenkrais-metho
Another great resource for fixing unwanted tensions and teaching your
brain how to use your body much better is the technique devised by F.M.
Alexander. I thoroughly recommend both approaches, Feldenkrais and
Alexander, to all singers
and musicians. Anybody,
really, will find them helpful and therapeutic.
ALEXANDER: A system designed to promote well-being
by retraining one's awareness
and habits of posture to ensure minimum effort and strain. [Used by
many musicians, including singers.]
Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (AUSTAT)
Phone 1300 788 540, info@austat.org.au, www.austat.org.au
The Complete Guide to the technique: www.alexandertechnique.com
Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_technique
Intelligent Body Solutions, The Use Factor (Perth, Australia):
Richard Beavitt (STAT AUSTAT) & Annie Robinson (STAT AUSTAT) ...
[are] teaching in Perth... [their] initial interest in the Technique
arose out of problems that they were having as musicians. Although they
both now teach the Technique to individuals from a broad cross-section
of the community they retain a particular interest in working with
musicians and other performing artists. They both taught the Alexander
Technique as a course subject at WAAPA@ECU in Perth for many years and
their own training as teachers of the Technique had a particular
emphasis on its application to the practice of making music.
The Insiders' Guide: www.alexandercenter.com
Main site (this site, many pages): www.mixmargaret.com
My blog: www.mixmargaret.com/blog
Listen free to my music: soundcloud.com/mix-margaret-dylan-jones/sets
YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCz318nZdr520zMNK6GNfnjQ
Facebook (public page): facebook.com/MixMargaretDylanJones
Parkerville Amphitheatre: www.parkerville-amphitheatre.com
A brief history 1966-2001, info about a 90 minute
documentary which had its first three public screenings in July 2015,
and some myth busting.
External (off-site) contact form, to send me an email (don't use FB
messages): formsite.com/Margaretand/form209924213/index.html
(make sure you type your own email address correctly otherwise I won't
be able to reply).
Site list if you can't find something: www.mixmargaret.com/site-list.html
Mix Margaret Dylan Jones, MusB (UWA), DipEd, LTCL, ATCL, AMusTCL,
AMusA. Pianist, accompanist, composer.
Teacher of piano, singing,
theory, in the Perth area, Western Australia. Associate Composer, AMC.
WWC Check. Using the honorific personal title Mx (or Mix, an
abbreviation for Mixture) since 2002.

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