I began using the honorific title Mx (pronounced,
and spelt in full, as Mix) after hearing that a person was using it in
Victoria who was both transgender and intersex (I wish I could recall
their name or who told me about them). I thought "What a great idea, as
an androgyne this suits me perfectly." Since then most of my bills have
come addressed to Mx Margaret Dylan Jones.
See my major 20,000 word article above, or an
earlier blog for extensive
information and discussion about Mx, including its inclusion in the
Oxford English
Dictionary in early 2015.
Here are scans of some of the many documents I have
kept which show Mx used as a title for myself.
These early records are letters from my medical
specialist to my GP, from one of my sheet music publishers, a phone
bill, an electricity bill, BankCard, AMEX, Medicare, the tax office and
others. Some are shown and discussed in my YouTube video New Mx
title now in OED at https://youtu.be/RoQ6yolk11M

2002 September 26, MX JONES, ATO tax return sent form (above)

2002 December 7, RE: MX MARGARET
JONES, and Cc Mx
Margaret Jones. Patient copy of a letter from my medical specialist to
my GP.

2003 January 24, Mx Margaret Jones, letter from
Music (then the largest Australian sheet music publisher), about
copyright and royalties for a piano composition of mine going in the
AMEB exam syllabus (Prayer of the Swinging Mantis; it's still in
the syllabus).

2003 February 21, MX MD JONES, Telstra
telephone bill.

2003 March 18, MX M D JONES, Western Power

bankcard statement.

2004 July, Mx Margaret D Jones, AMEX letter about
changes to credit card conditions.
2004 July: millions of Australians
ABC television's popular
George Negus Tonight (GNT) programme broadcasting a seven-minute
feature on me, titled 'Mx Jones.' They consistently called me "Mix.'
The transcript is still online at http://www.abc.net.au/gnt/people/Transcripts/s1158647.htm

2004 December 6, MX M JONES, Medicare
Statement of

2005 January 8, MX MARGARET D JONES, ATO (tax
See the main article (20,000 words, about 50
About Mx, with Miss, Mrs, Mr, Ms, and the singular
See my earlier blog post on this subject: Androgyne using the new Mx title since 2002, now in OED,
which has more links in addition to those here and more detail about
the OED entry
Comments welcome at my blog: www.mixmargaret.com/blog
Listen to my 1977 Androgyne Prophecy music for free
Watch me play it on a grand piano
Main site: mixmargaret.com
Read my story in a local newspaper September
2002 IFAS definitions of androgyne and
intersex, and other links: