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All about
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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer
Transcription of story
about Margaret Jones,
broadcast on national television 20 July 2004
on George Negus
Tonight (GNT).
Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
The page,
http://www.abc.net.au/gnt/people/Transcripts/s1158647.htm is no longer
maintained by the ABC and has been removed.
GNT Episode 94
Mx Jones
Broadcast 6.30pm on 20/07/2004
Margaret Jones
Mx Jones, 'Pursuit of Happiness', 20th July,
Somedays you can put on clothes or do your hair and you just don't feel
right. Something doesn't fit, isn't sitting correctly and you just
don't feel good about yourself – not as confident as usual. If it's
clothes, that's easy you can change them, if it's your hair you can get
it cut or re-styled. But imagine if it was your own gender that felt
like it didn't belong. That sums up the life story of Mx. Margaret
Jones. Margaret is an Androgyne, she was born male but always felt
female and in her late thirties decided to do something about it. In a
frank and open interview she tells Jane Cunningham all about it.
Margaret Jones
Magaret, having coffee
JANE CUNNINGHAM, REPORTER: Some days you can put on clothes or do your
hair and something doesn't feel right - it doesn't fit or it isn't
sitting correctly. If it's your clothes, that's easy. You can change
them. If it's your hair, you can have it cut or restyled. But imagine
if it was your own gender that felt like it didn't belong. SOMBRE PIANO
MARGARET JONES: Sometimes I feel very male and sometimes I feel very
female, but usually I feel androgyne.
[a much later video], BY MX MARGARET DYLAN JONES, ON PIANO)
MARGARET JONES: Androgyne is a term that I use for myself. 'Andro'
pertains to male and 'gyne' pertains to female, so it means
'man-woman', if you like.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: It must be extraordinary living in your head.
MARGARET JONES: Well, perhaps it is but that's where I live. (Laughs) I
think it's natural for people to want to be one - to be whole. And some
years ago - a few years ago - I sort of realised that perhaps that was
a mistake. Perhaps instead of trying to be one, I should enjoy being
JANE CUNNINGHAM: Which you are.
MARGARET JONES: I often think of that. I tell people, "Look, if I
haven't got something done by Friday, please...you know, there's only
three of me."
When I was a young kid, under the age of five, I realised that I wasn't
quite like other people. And I, at some point early on - pretty young,
even younger than that - I realised that I was supposed to be a
boy...but also thought I looked very much like a girl, and this made me
very unhappy. I was very annoyed, very distressed.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: Where did you associate, then, in the playground?
MARGARET JONES: Oh, on my own. I was a pretty lonesome kid. I had very
few friends, yeah.
(FOOTAGE OF MARGARET PLAYING PIANO) [playing my own composition, Androgyne Adagio].
MARGARET JONES: When I was a kid, I just hated being photographed. I
absolutely hated it, so there are almost no photographs.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: You almost look like you're not in these photos.
MARGARET JONES: Interesting, isn't it?
MARGARET JONES: As I grew older, into my teens, and my body started to
masculinise, then it was very distressing for the other way round,
because my body was masculinising, and that was very, very distressing.
I wanted it to stay feminine. I think I sort of grew up in a fairly
gender-neutral way. I didn't do all the macho things and there was no
pressure to do that. And I just kept it all to myself.
MARGARET JONES: I've been on the lookout for a really dark...red
cherry, sort of brandy colour.
MARGARET JONES: I would buy some feminine clothes sometimes and wear
them in private and then throw them away, hoping that I could stop
doing that, as if it was some sort of disease or something, which it
certainly isn't, but you think of it like that.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: That must have been lonely.
MARGARET JONES: Yes. It's a stress. Um...it's an ongoing stress. It's a
DIStress. (Laughs)
JANE CUNNINGHAM: Is it still distressing for you?
MARGARET JONES: No, not now.
MARGARET JONES: But that's because I've done something about it and
I've done quite a bit to transition - to make my body more feminine in
appearance. The stress is lifelong until you do something about it. And
I felt that I either had to break or break through. I started taking
moves on it when I was about 38. It felt tremendously reckless, I might
tell you, to take oestrogen. Oh, this was just...big-time reckless
move. I thought, "Oh, I'm going to wreck my liver, you know, and if I
transition, I'll lose all my work and everyone will reject me, and -
who knows? - I might die of some disease, from cancer, or something."
So it was the most reckless thing I ever did in my life. And I'm a
really cautious person. But, oh, gee, I'm glad I did.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: I'd like to think that society is pretty tolerant, but
being different from the crowd is no easy thing. To make a transition
from being male to something else as an adult must be one of the most
difficult and courageous decisions anybody could make. Having made it,
all you can do is cross your fingers and hope for the best.
MARGARET JONES: I was desperate. And that's why people do this -
because you expect to have a lot of trouble with it. Nobody will
transition thinking it's going to be easy. Everybody expects it to be
really difficult, and it can be. Um, and some people suffer and have a
lot of trouble with it. In my case, I've done very well. The biggest
thing is acceptance and...being able to...to tell people...what your
situation is. That is a big step for most transgender or transsexual
people. Yeah.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: What about your family?
MARGARET JONES: Well, they were the hardest ones. (Laughs) I think the
people that are closest to you are the ones who find it most difficult.
And, er, they all call me Margaret. I've spent a lot of time with my
eldest brother these days, actually, and he's a born-again Christian
and I think he disapproves, but he loves me and so he doesn't hassle me
about it and he calls me Margaret. People often think that someone with
gender issues must be confused about their gender, especially if they
say that they're not strictly male or strictly female - they're some
sort of mixture of some sort. They often think that...that must be a
sign of confusion or you are ambiguous about your gender. I'm not. I
know what I am. I'm an androgyne and that's not confusing to me anymore
and it's not ambiguous. That's not an ambiguous gender. That's a gender.
JANE CUNNINGHAM: Do you feel like some sort of...? You've been released
out of a trap?
MARGARET JONES: Absolutely. Oh, yeah, that's a very good way of looking
at it. Oh, yes, yes, yeah. Bit like being in the cage, you know, and
someone's opened the door.
GEORGE NEGUS: Some pretty clear thinking there. You could say that this
entire happiness thing is to do with self-image and knowing where you
fit into the societal scheme, which is not always that easy.
My major article about Mx or Mix, a
non-binary transgender
honorific title:
Mix Margaret Dylan Jones, MusB (UWA), DipEd, LTCL, ATCL,
AMusA. Pianist, accompanist, composer. Teacher of piano, singing,
theory, in the Perth area, Western Australia. Associate Composer, AMC.
WWC Check. Using the non-binary transgender honorific title Mx (or Mix)
since 2002.

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