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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer, lyricist
Androgyne Prophecy
1977 piano solo
HMP 28dm
Simplfied left hand, easier key (D minor), easier time signature (3/4),
no octaves. Melody is unchanged; full length duration (or shorter with
cuts shown).
Listen to excerpts on SoundCloud.
See a video
of the composer playing the original version of Androgyne Prophecy (music duration is 4'
See also samples of the original version HMP 28, and more info below.
Page one of four. See page two.
ISMN: 979-0-9009675-1-0. Second edition
This soulful piano solo was composed either side of my 16th birthday and remains one of my best compositions. In 1977 I was
living as a boy with gender issues and looking ahead to what could have
been a bleak future, hence so sad.
The whole piece featured in a seven-minute profile on me broadcast on ABC
television in 2004, in the George Negus Tonight (GNT) programme. It showed me
playing on my lovely old Thürmer upright piano.
Reminiscent of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and the cavatina used in the 1978 film The Deer Hunter, this beautiful work is in C sharp minor (or C sharp aeolian mode).
This easy arrangement in D minor, with no octaves and a simplified accompaniment, is about grade three or four.
Duration: 04:20 or 02:30 with cuts indicated.
Also published in the original version, which is about grade five or six.
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