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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer, lyricist
Eight dodecaphonic
piano solos and ensembles
HMP 03
Listen to excerpts on SoundCloud or watch my three YouTube videos where I talk about the pieces and then play them.
Click on a thumbnail image to see a larger version;
use your Back Button to see this page again (or use a Right Click to
open an image in a New Tab or New Window).
The YouTube videos have the most detail but you can also read about this music below.
ISMN: 979-0-9009675-2-7. Third
Preface & ideas for programme notes
Study instructions, grouping suggestions
12-tone row study chart
A Lazy Day
The Greedy Row Snake (ex-AMEB syllabus, gd one)
Reuben’s Big Day Out
Homage to Webern
Homage to Schoenberg
Clouds (duet or solo, a derived row, guided improvisation)
Alone in the Dark Forest (trio incorporating Upside-Downs)
Alone in the Dark Forest (printed again, arranged as a duet or solo)
have provided an attractive set of pieces to introduce them to
contemporary music. What you have done shows the mark of a good
musician and teacher.”
David Tunley, at the time a professor of music
at the University of WA, referring to Child's Play.
This set of eight varied and accessible pieces was written to introduce
students and teachers to the 12-tone serial technique. These character
works show that serial music can be pleasant, exciting, fun,
interesting, and stimulating to the imagination.
The pieces cover a range of levels from pre-initial to about grade 6 or
7, and include a trio where a novice can sit at the piano between
experienced students and play a previously-learnt solo which fits into
a new piece.
Though the dodecaphonic technique has been the basis of an enormous
amount of music composed since the 1920s there are few other sets of
educational 12-tone pieces.
The composer took delight in finding unexpected melodic shapes and
novel chords in the row, stretching the technique in unusual ways to
produce great variety. Most listeners would not recognise that the same
tone row is used in almost every piece (only Clouds has a derivative row).
The Greedy Row Snake
from Child’s Play has been played by many thousands of Australian
students. This piece has sold over 23,000 copies since it was published
by the AMEB and Allans Music (now AMPD) in the Series 12 Pianoforte
Grade One exam book in the 1990s.
Several pieces from Child’s Play are published by Currency Press in Australian Piano Music volumes 1, 2 & 4, edited by Sally Mays. Volume 1 is in the AMEB’s piano syllabus for preliminary and second grades but The Greedy Row Snake dropped out of the exam list some years ago.
This A4 sized item is bound
with sturdy covers and superior wire binding (not plastic combs).
Buy securely online via Shopify, or get your copy of this sheet music from HMP using a cheque or
direct credit.

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