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Margaret Dylan Jones
W.A. composer, pianist,
teacher, article writer, lyricist
Coloufast Piano Music
Book of ten
educational piano pieces
HMP 01
Listen to excerpts on SoundCloud.
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open an image in a New Tab or New Window).
Read more about this music below.
ISMN: 979-0-9009675-3-4. Fourth
Most pieces are two pages
Ferrous Fanfare (triads, rhythm)
Song of Shadows (easy pedal study, unison
(expanded in Hymn To The Valley)
To Catch a Bee
(moto perpetuo)
Hovea Air (L.H. triads,
sophisticated harmony)
(expanded in Rainbows Over Hovea)
The Walking Ghost
(easy pedal, whole-tone scale)
Prayer of the Swinging Mantis (rhythm,
(AMEB Prelim. exam
Busy Insects
(chromatic scale)
Moon Walk 1969
(easy pedal study)
Sara’s Bande (chord
clusters, rhythm)
MiroriM (two-part)
These easy and delightful pieces will stimulate the imagination in both
young students and older beginners. Their wide variety of style
encompasses frequent use of the notes F sharp and B flat, which are
usually the first black notes that a student needs to know. Common
tasks are introduced in easy ways, such as the playing of triads or
pedalling. Students of all ages will love the easy but engaging rhythms.
Prayer of the Swinging Mantis*
(page 12) is still in the current piano exam syllabus of the Australian
Music Examination Board (AMEB) for preliminary grade, as at 2018.
Music teaching should involve a partnership between composer and
teacher, and between these two and the student. Rather than try to "do
everything" for the student and teacher, EASY QUESTION PROMPTS assist
the creativity of both. The prompts are provided for the teacher as
examples of ways to get the student thinking about the music.
“Compositional insights
are only useful if you work them out yourself. Question prompts
are designed to engage a student’s mind, almost effortlessly, on the
task of getting into the meaning and emotion of a piece but without
providing all the answers.”
The use of EASY QUESTION PROMPTS makes learning
easier, quicker, and a lot more fun. Often students give completely
unexpected answers that are perfectly correct. Unexpected answers are
marvellous—imagine the feeling of involvement and recognition a student
feels when he or she finds something in the music which the teacher
hadn’t thought of!
Each piece also has suggestions for practice.
*Prayer of the Swinging
Mantis is also found in Australian Anthology Prelim To Grade 4, published in 2003 by Allans Publishing
(Hal Leonard Australia), official publishers to the AMEB.
This A4 sized item is bound
with sturdy covers and superior wire binding (not plastic combs).
Buy securely online via Shopify, or get your copy of this sheet music from HMP using a cheque or
direct credit.

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