Hovea Music Press
(Australia only)
As at 28 January 2021. Subject
to change.
1) Purchase securely online via my Shopify page at https://hovea-music-press-mx-margaret.myshopify.com, or
2) Print these pages. Complete
and mail them to HMP (see address at end). Write your cheque or money
order (only in Australian dollars) to "M D Jones," or
3) Pay online directly from your bank account into Margaret's bank account (you will need internet banking).
Overseas orders: contact HMP for postage & handling costs.
Not registered for GST. ABN 82 289 403 538.
Many catalogue code numbers are missing because they were used in the
previous HMP catalogue from the 1990s and are not published here.
HMP 01 Colourfast Piano Music (4th ed.) --- $18.00
HMP 03 Child's Play (piano, 3rd ed.) --- $18.00
HMP 28 Androgyne Prophecy (piano; original version from 1977, four pages, instructions for shortening). New (2nd) edition July 2015 --- $15.00
HMP 28dm Androgyne Prophecy (piano; easy arrangement in 3/4,
D minor, no octaves, four pages, instructions for shortening --- $12.00
HMP 3223 Three Traditional Songs with inclusive lyrics. Solo voice with piano. Medium voice. Beside the Foyle (D flat major; same tune as Londonderry Air or Danny Boy); Amazing Grace, the Sweet Sound of Children (Einstein was a Refugee) (G major); Greensleeves In Love (E major/E minor). Limited edition of fifty (50) copies. --- $25.00
NOTE: HMP 3223 will be superseded by revised versions in 2021 or 2022.
Please write the HMP codes, and number copies of each item here:
________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
Please sub-total the cost of the items here: $ ___________
Postage & Handling is a total of $10 for any number of items.
Grand total including P & H = $ ___________
Name: ________________________________ _________________________
Delivery Address:
Town, City or Suburb: ________________________________
State: _____________________ Postcode: _________ Country: AUSTRALIA
Phone numbers: ____________________________________________
Email address and/or website: _______________________________________
Special Instructions / Comments / Requests:
PAYMENT METHOD. Note: HMP now accepts payment by cheque/money order, or direct credit or securely online via Shopify.
Please circle or tick one:
Paying by cheque or money order to "M D Jones," or
Direct credit to Margaret Jones' cheque account.
Cheque account for direct credits at Bendigo Bank:
A/c name: M D Jones
BSB: 633-000 (all branches have the same BSB)
A/c: 160257978
If using online banking please state what you have called the direct credit so it can be matched in the cheque account:
If you have paid online you don't really need to print out or fill-in
this form. Simply send Margaret an email with all the details as above
(name, address etc, items you are ordering, and what you've called the
online transaction).
Cheque or money order MUST be made to "M D Jones." Mail it to:
Margaret Jones
PO Box 451
Mobile 0414 374 701 (Overseas +61 414 374 701)
To contact HMP by email use the form linked at www.mixmargaret.com.
ABN 82 289 403 538. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery in Australia.
Future publication plans include:
HMP 02 Jump Right Ins: piano starters and re-starters.
HMP 05 Machine Code (unaccomp. clarinet).
HMP 15 Sonatina (piano).
HMP 29 Where eucalypts green-tip the sky (SABar, speaking voices, pno) (seven poets, see PAS 6 below).
PAS 06 Where eucalypts green-tip the sky (booklet of the 13 poems by 7 Australian poets from the choral work.
